Bob Croft, has recently announced the launch of his new book, Father of American Freediving, appropriately titled after the affectionate nickname he earned through his early feats, setting world records in the sport of freediving. Becoming the first American on the international freediving scene.
What is clear is that this extraordinary man, who accomplished so much was a “regular Joe” who simply wanted to get the job done and who avoided most of the fanfare of his early competitors. This book is a great read about a legend and a legend-in-the-making—the father of American freediving.
-Dr. Terry Maas
Croft’s historic dives served as benchmarks for the rest of the competitive freediving world. Croft’s 240 feet no limits dive still stands on the American record books today. Of course, the no limits discipline is not popular among American divers, this stands as a testament to Croft’s spirit as a pioneer in the early years of the sport. Willing to go to depths and by means no other person wanted to attempt.
Through his career as a professional freediver, Naval sailor and research diver, Bob Croft accomplished plenty. He successfully developed a technique of overfilling the lungs called, packing and was the first person to use scleral lenses to prevent having to dive with a mask which equates to extra air space that must be compensated for. Croft bested the famous, Jaques Mayol, in three consecutive competitions, meanwhile, disproving the US Navy Diving Manual‘s assertion that dives below 120 feet could be fatal and 200 feet was the absolute physiological barrier. He was also an integral part of the experimentation process that lead to the adoption of thoracic filling as an accepted part of the mammalian dive reflex.

Bob Croft is also insanely cool. Although past his freediving prime, which we know can be later in life, Bob is still an avid imbiber of Cutty Sark. He offers his professional freediving advice to anyone who asks for it and spins a yarn (and he has plenty of material with which to spin) to anyone who asks or not. Croft has been a huge asset to the sport of freediving and is a many of many colors. Hopefully, you get the chance to meet him one day. If not, at least buy the book and get a better view into the life of the most integral American thus far in the sport of freediving.
Read more about Bob at his website, bobcroftdiver.com, at the International Legends of Freediving or, best yet, buy his book here.
Post by Ashley Futral Chapman of Evolve Freediving.
All commentary and opinions in this post are exclusively of the author, Ashley Chapman. They do not reflect the opinions of the USFA, Evolve Freediving, or any other associated organization or people mentioned.